25manna results – update 1

Status right now is that we on Sunday gathered and compiled all the data from control units and log files. Thereafter this data has been imported into the database.
That leaves a lot of unpaired SI cards and SI cards indicating mispunch . To reduce this number , we read the log from the control units in the forest and change the order for the runners of the parallel legs in order to approve runners who ran another fork than what was stated at check-in.
There are also SI cards in the database which has no connection to any team. To pair these SI cards with the right team, we will search for them in the Eventor database and among the SI cards which were hired out. We may contact the clubs for help with identifying which team and which leg these SI cards should be connected to.
The aim is to approve as many teams as possible and that means many hours of manual labor, therefore it will take time before there is a full result list ready for publication.
During tomorrow (Tuesday), the focus will be on the 24 teams that were the top finishers and to which we handed out prizes to determine that / if they are approved. We plan to publish the result for the top teams on Wednesday morning.
Once again we apologize for the incident and ask for your patience while the manual steps are being undertaken.

Tämä viesti on saatavilla myös: englanti
Päivitys: 14 October, 2013 kl. 17:57